About this traveller

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London, United Kingdom
Follower of Jesus. Husband. Father. Son. Poet. Writer. Preacher. Story-teller. Learner. Pilgrim.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


With all the footie on at the moment you can't fail to escape it (even if you are Scottish like me! - tough luck Scottish team - you only had to ask me!). I'm thinking about my life goal - to be used by God as he wills in turning others to Christ so thay we all aim for three Goals. They would be:

  1. Love God
  2. Love others
  3. Follow Jesus

How cool would it be if we'd just do those three hardly simple things? For more about these goals I'd recommend you look at www.thesimpleway.org and www.purposedrivenlife.com. Also, check out Matthew 22 in the Bible (the greatest commandment).

Make God's goals your goals and you can't lose (even if it seems your luck's out part way though the game!).

All the Best


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