About this traveller

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London, United Kingdom
Follower of Jesus. Husband. Father. Son. Poet. Writer. Preacher. Story-teller. Learner. Pilgrim.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

After scribbling a few lines on worship I saw again this image. I don't know about you, but I often find myself 'begging' God for change (normally in myself!). I'm longing to see more of God's kingdom come into our daily reality. We can ask God for the obvious stuff (health, stuff, blessing, etc.), or we can pray as Christ taught us ("your kingdom come..."). When His kingdom comes it will mean 'change' but perhaps not in the obvious (and selfish) things we're regularly asking for.

Perhaps we will need to be the change. Perhaps this 'come-coming-not yet' kingdom will show us our need to be follwers of Jesus that love God wholeheartedly (with no regard for ourselves, but rather for God's agenda) and love others (viewing ourselves less highly than we ought and seeing others as highly as we should).

So we pray, let your Kingdom come...your will be done on earth as in heaven...

A Delirious breakfast

I was breakfasting with the kids this morning and we're listening to "The Mission Bell" album. my son is playing air guitar, I'm singing like an idiot, and my daughter is doing some sort of weird expressive dance (she's only 18 months old and doesn't know any better!).
I then began playing air guitar. My son (who's 3) stops playing, looks me straight in the eye and says, "What you doing Dad! I say I'm playing the guitar and he (very seriously) says "you can't do that, you're the singer!!"

I began singing again. It's great that our worship can occur at any time. Have a great day!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

dark roads

sometimes the road ahead is scary and dark.

During these times we need to trust God's word to light up the path - so right now I'm trusting in his word.

He knows the beginning from the end and I'm convinced that in the end...

...it all works out

even dark roads have lamp posts