About this traveller

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London, United Kingdom
Follower of Jesus. Husband. Father. Son. Poet. Writer. Preacher. Story-teller. Learner. Pilgrim.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Love others (1)

I've been thinking recently about what it might look like if we were to really love others. I'm not sure I'm even close to seeing this as God sees it and the view from the bottom of the mountain looks hazy, but here's what it might mean for us:

Jesus tells us to love our neighbours as we love ourselves. He really means that! In the West we really love ourselves (although it may be at a superficial level!!) - we make sure we eat. We make sure we have clean water. We make sure we wear the 'right' clothes (one's that look good; make us fit in; present an image; have the right brand; avoid brands; etc.). We have enough technology to kill R2D2 stone dead with confusion. We have great holidays. We're rarely alone (although, did you know there are lonely people in every crowd - so, who's in your crowd?).

What if we decided to do that for someone else? What if we sacrificed what we need to provide for someone else's needs? What if we gave all our disposable income to a charity that would supply people with clean water for that month? What if we didn't buy a new CD each month and supported an African child's education instead? (look at www.compassionuk.org) Sound's good, doesn't it?! Yet the reality is, we face these choices every day and don't make the right one - we keep feeding ourselves the luxuries that will one day stifle us.

Loving our neighbour as we love ourselves is not an easy lifestyle to choose, but the benefits for others could potentially be MASSIVE. Let's encourage one another to make loving choices about loving others, and in the process share the life that Jesus died to give us all.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

on the mountain

Looking down from my vantage point I could see Glencoe stretching out before me. As I slowly turned, taking in the grandeur, I gazed upon the beauty of Glen Etive, watching the rain make it's way towards me. I await that time of refreshing. It was a beautiful moment it would have been perfect if it was forever.

Years later I'm in the town. Life passes by with such a torrent that I'm never sure how long I can stop before I'm feeling swamped again. I think back to that mountain-top experience, and the peacefulness of that time envelopes me once again.

From the mountain-top the ascent has been overcome and all other mountains look like molehills in the distance. I reflect on that thought now and it stirs me to see things from God's perspective again. He lives on the mountain, inviting us to sit with him in heavenly places. I'm reminded that he is always with me, and that if he is for me then I can rest in his peace during the storm.

May his rest and peace be with us all as we climb our personal mountains.